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Strength Training

Unilateral Weight Training

This workout is low-impact. Some of the exercises are single-movement exercises, while other are compound movements meaning we combine two exercises at the same time, like the Knee Lift with an Overhead Press. All movements/exercises are performed with the weight in one hand and then we switch. The primary benefits of unilateral training are: we avoid overtraining or overusing our dominant side, it helps to isolate and correct muscle imbalances, improves balance, and my favorite utilizes our core muscles. So grab a couple of weights and hit play. Remember take options and modify when needed and always strive for your best. 


Note: I tried something different and it didn't work as I planned...I'm learning. This workout was filmed on a portrait setting. 

Unilateral Weight Training
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Weights & Core

This workout combines strength training and core, as we alternate between a weighted exercises and a core exercises. You'll need a variety of hand weights, a towel and a water bottle. Even though this workout is low-impact, it makes you sweat! Remember those weights are optional. The workout will alternate between two minutes of a weighted exercise followed by a two minute core exercise. The transition time between the exercises is short to keep us moving. This is a full body workout. We'll hit the lower body first and then the upper body.

Have fun! And as always strive for YOUR best. 

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Weights and Core

HIIT with weights

This HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) is low impact. It uses weights and body movement to increase the heart rate for a quick and effective workout. Hand weights are optional, but recommended. This workout is great for a jump-start to your day. The workout is Tabata-style with 30 seconds of work followed by a15 second recovery with two rounds of work. It's also a great workout to combine with the 10-Minute Cardio HIIT. Get ready to get started and get moving. Have fun and strive for YOUR best!

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HIIT with Weights
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