Strength Training
Unilateral Weight Training
This workout is low-impact. Some of the exercises are single-movement exercises, while other are compound movements meaning we combine two exercises at the same time, like the Knee Lift with an Overhead Press. All movements/exercises are performed with the weight in one hand and then we switch. The primary benefits of unilateral training are: we avoid overtraining or overusing our dominant side, it helps to isolate and correct muscle imbalances, improves balance, and my favorite utilizes our core muscles. So grab a couple of weights and hit play. Remember take options and modify when needed and always strive for your best.
Note: I tried something different and it didn't work as I planned...I'm learning. This workout was filmed on a portrait setting.
Weights & Core
This workout combines strength training and core, as we alternate between a weighted exercises and a core exercises. You'll need a variety of hand weights, a towel and a water bottle. Even though this workout is low-impact, it makes you sweat! Remember those weights are optional. The workout will alternate between two minutes of a weighted exercise followed by a two minute core exercise. The transition time between the exercises is short to keep us moving. This is a full body workout. We'll hit the lower body first and then the upper body.
Have fun! And as always strive for YOUR best.
HIIT with weights
This HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) is low impact. It uses weights and body movement to increase the heart rate for a quick and effective workout. Hand weights are optional, but recommended. This workout is great for a jump-start to your day. The workout is Tabata-style with 30 seconds of work followed by a15 second recovery with two rounds of work. It's also a great workout to combine with the 10-Minute Cardio HIIT. Get ready to get started and get moving. Have fun and strive for YOUR best!